5 best hanging plants.

These are hardy plants that will add a delicate, elegant touch to any environment. They grow quickly and root easily. They are quite delicate, so move them cautiously.

1.Creeping inch/Turtle vine 

This just had to be mentioned. A money plant is needed in every home. It develops rapidly in the correct light conditions.

2.Money plant or Pothos

To make it bushier, clip back the lanky stems (at the node) and return them to the hanging pot to propagate.

This plant is beautiful! The leaves have fading lines, and the bottoms are a beautiful shade of purple. It may brighten up a dark corner by spreading quickly and cascading down to form a plant curtain. 

3.Wandering Jew

It is not required to just use vining plants in hanging planters. A full, luxuriant Boston fern in a planter would look fantastic! In my experience, Ferns just take a few weeks to master. 


These plants offer the most beautiful blossoms. They bloom at 8.30 a.m. when you leave for work and close when you return. 

5.Purslane/ Office goers

They are also hardworking individuals, okay! They want bright light and water once the top few inches have dried. 

They grow exceedingly quickly and spread easily.

‘The Zone of Interest’ Director Discusses Gaza at Oscars 

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