Best Dog Breeds to Sleep in Your Bed

 The topic of co-sleeping with fur babies is hot. Some pet parents believe dogs should have their own bed

 while others share their Tempurpedic with them. This has no right or wrong response. What works for you and your dog is key.

Some breeds are easier to bedshare with for individuals who want a pet. Large or shedding dogs are uncomfortable to sleep with,

  and certain breeds are overly independent. These are the top 10 canine co-sleeping breeds, from smallest to largest.

 It's time to correct the stereotype of aggressive chihuahuas. Although feisty, chihuahuas with behavioral issues are frequently spoiled by their owners.

 Small dogs need training and socialization like big dogs, but it's easier to treat them like toys.


Well-raised chihuahuas are intelligent, friendly, and love to be with their favorite people. Having a chi in your bed is only disadvantageous if you roll over on them.


Poms are velcro pups who get separation anxiety if left alone. Their “clingy” nature isn't for everyone, but they're excellent for snugglers. 


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