Sometimes life is difficult.   It hurts and is difficult on a daily basis.

The key to living a more healthful existence   Developing positive habits can help you live a better life at times.  

There's a reason meditation appears on lists of life-improving practices. It functions. Even ten minutes a day of meditation can improve your mood and well-being. It will help you become more mindful and less stressed.  

Work out   The last thing you want to do is work out while you're depressed. Yes, I am aware. It sounds horrible to move your body during an intense workout.  

Consume healthier food.   It is absolutely something you want to get into the habit of eating healthily.  

Take a stroll   This summer, walking has saved my life. A leisurely stroll in the park during the afternoon is an excellent method to decompress, ease tension  

Give social media a rest. Social media usage can be quite harmful. For me, Facebook is the biggest offender by far.  

Accept the word 'no'   How much time have you wasted on activities you don't enjoy doing? If you're like the majority of people, you've undoubtedly accepted numerous invitations that you didn't really want to accept,  

Eliminate poisonous individuals   Speaking of haters, there may be some among us who are close to them. Everybody has a toxic friend or relative  

Sean Ono Lennon’s 2024 Oscars Speech Wishes Mom Yoko Happy Mother’s Day 

Thanks for watching  
