Falcon 9 launch announced for Monday night by SpaceX

SpaceX scheduled a Monday night Falcon 9 launch of 22 Starlink satellites from Vandenburg Space Force Base.


The 10th flight of the first stage booster supporting the mission is scheduled at 7:28 p.m. with backups until 11:10 pm.


Five minutes before liftoff, @SpaceX will stream the mission live.


SpaceX said the first stage will land on the Pacific Ocean droneship Of Course I Still Love You.


SpaceX's website has launch information.


Its launch base is between Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo on the coast. 


 Palm Springs has had several launches, most recently in February.


X, formerly Twitter, reported that its first stage landed on the "Of Course I Still Love You" droneship in the Pacific Ocean. Space X's website reported this first-stage booster's 10th launch.


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