In Response to Concerns About His Wife Sam's Age Gap of 23 Years, Aaron Taylor-Johnson Slams Criticism

The 33-year-old actor discussed reaching particular life milestones in a recent interview with Rolling Stone U.K., a topic he is all too familiar with as a young stepfather, husband, and father. 

While filming her 2009 John Lennon biography, Nowhere Boy, the Bullet Train star got to know his future spouse. She was forty-two and he was eighteen. 

"You have to understand that I was doing the same things most people were doing in their 20s when I was 13 years old," he stated to the newspaper, noting that he has always taken things slowly. 

At the age of just 18, Aaron became engaged to Sam's two elder daughters, ages 12 and 4, and took on the role of stepfather.

 Aaron had adopted his wife Taylor-Wood's last name, Johnson, from birth. 

In addition, Sam and Aaron already had two children of their own before getting married in June 2012. In 2010, when Wylda, their daughter, was born, Aaron had just turned twenty. 

He was a few months shy of turning 22 when their second daughter, Romy, was born in 2012.

In June, Aaron and Sam will celebrate their 12-year wedding anniversary. Despite the harsh criticism the couple has gotten for their more than 20-year age difference, they appear to be as happy as ever.

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