For millions of years, dinosaurs were massive, toothy reptiles that roamed the Earth in search of food and to protect their territories.  

About 298 million years ago, near the end of the Carboniferous period, the shield lizard, also known as the Scutosaurus, emerged.  

The huge aquatic arthropod that was the giant sea scorpion was a predator.  

This extinct scorpion, which was around six feet tall and as big as a modern person, lived in the oceans of Earth and hunted other animals.  

This extinct scorpion existed in the oceans of Earth and hunted other animals.  

It was around six feet tall and as big as a modern person.  

Middle-Upper Permian Period, named after the Greek mythological beast.   

The Meganeura, which resembled a dragonfly but was much larger than a current dragonfly, was the largest known flying insect.  

During the late Devonian Period, a massive fish with armor called Titanichthys existed. It inhabited Morocco's shallow waters as well as those of Eastern North America   

Coal forests started to emerge in wetlands at the margins of continents around 350 million years ago (mya), near the end of the Carboniferous Period.  

Sean Ono Lennon’s 2024 Oscars Speech Wishes Mom Yoko Happy Mother’s Day 

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