Stop calling it ‘long Covid’ as symptoms are no worse than flu, study reveals.

Stop calling it ‘long Covid’ as symptoms are no worse than flu, study reveals

According to Queensland Health studies, Long Covid may be similar to post-viral symptoms like flu.

The study's lead author, the state's senior health officer Dr. John Gerrard, said it was “time to stop using terms like ‘long Covid

’” since they imply the virus's longer-term symptoms are unique and can promote hypervigilance.

The WHO defines post-Covid or extended Covid as persons still having symptoms three months after their

  first Covid-19 infection when they can't be explained by another illness.


 PCR testing was performed on 5,112 people with respiratory symptoms during May and June 2022


The results were 2,399 positive for Covid-19, 995 positive for influenza, and 1,718 negative.


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