The Deepfake Disclosure Rules on YouTube Exempt Children's Cartoons

YouTube modified its deepfake policy. Starting today, platform video uploaders must disclose synthetic media, including generative AI, to inform users that the film is fake. 

YouTube claims it applies to “realistic” altered media such “making it appear as if a real building caught fire” or exchanging “the face of one individual with another’s.”

YouTube's new policy may help stop AI-generated misinformation before the US presidential election. 

AI-generated animations for youngsters are exempt from the new synthetic content disclosure standards, which is notable.

YouTube's new regulations don't necessitate animated content disclosure. 

This allows get-rich-quick, AI-generated content hustlers to keep making child-targeted films without disclosing their methodology.

Parents worried about sloppy nursery-rhyme videos will have to identify AI-generated cartoons.

YouTube now allows producers to employ AI for “minor” adjustments that are “primarily aesthetic” like beauty filters or video and audio cleanup without flagging it.

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