The 'devil comet' is visible at night and will remain during the eclipse.

A unusual comet known for vivid flare-ups is again seen from Earth.

The latest comet, 12P/Pons-Brooks, could be seen during next month's total solar eclipse, which is even more unique.

NASA says comets are dust, rock, and ice remnants from the solar system's creation. 

As they approach the sun, comets heat up and brighten, becoming tens of miles broad with tails millions of miles long.

The comet 12P/Pons-Brooks will reach perihelion on April 21 after 71 years of orbiting the sun.

Twelve-Pons-Brooks' explosive outbursts can give the heavenly body a horseshoe-shaped resembling horns, earning it the nickname "devil comet."

By directing a telescope or binoculars at Pisces in the evening, stargazers may see the comet.

According to astronomers, it will soon be visible to the naked eye.

Images of Jupiter’s massive storms captured by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope 

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