Top 10 Crazy Optical Illusions

Forced perspective is one of illusionists' finest tricks. It makes some shapes look radically different from various angles.


Forced Perspective

Another astonishing perspective illusion employs a 2-dimensional image to depict a 3-dimensional shape. Our brain interprets shadows and lights as 3D objects.


Dimensional Cube

This illusion is so captivating because it's simple to perform and understand, but your brain keeps thinking the cigarette is diminishing. This illusion may be made at home using paper and pens and is just as impressive.


Shrinking Cigarette

Our eyes lock in repeating motion patterns to reduce information processing per second. This biological activity helps us identify unusual objects in daily life, but this film abuses it. Medical issues may prevent you from watching this video since you will notice waves.


Tripping Acid

Optical illusions are fascinating to watch on screens and can be used in items to trick your eyes. This light uses a grid to make it appear 3D to your brain.


Flat 3D Lamp

There were others waiting for the car to hit the pillars. This is another fantastic shadow-based perspective trick.


Perfectly Aligned Shadow

Creating a valley that seems like a mountain is wonderful. Always deceives you.


Crest or Valley?

Viewing motion-separated frames quickly creates the appearance of motion. This basic example of how early movies created motion tricks our eyes.


Illusion of Motion

Water's refractive qualities make it a fantastic lens and basis for many optical illusions. This is another easy trick to try at home and learn about refraction and lenses.


Refracted Arrow

This illusion is circulating online, and even though you know how it works, it's astonishing. Hint: The camera angle makes the shapes look different.


Cylinders or Diamonds?

The James Webb Space Telescope targets a Triangulum Galaxy star-forming region. 

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