Top 10 Eye Vitamins & Supplements

Carotenoids, antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables, are colorful. Like lycopene and beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin protect the eyes from oxidative stress. The macula and retina contain lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin, which filter blue light and promote eye health. Brain health research includes lutein and zeaxanthin.


Lutein and zeaxanthin. 

This vitamin is in vision supplements because it may help eyes. Studies show astaxanthin may improve vision and reduce eye tiredness. Astaxanthin boosts cardiac, mitochondrial, and inflammatory health.



Eye health benefits of saffron extract have been thoroughly explored. Nine clinical trials show that saffron improves vision performance, acuity, and macular health.



Bilberry reduces visual work weariness, according to multiple studies. This fruit, which resembles a blueberry but is smaller and darker, has been used in Europe to improve night vision. Anthocyanins in European bilberry improve vision, ocular circulation, and whole-body wellness.



French maritime pine bark extract boosts circulation, including in the eyes. Bilberry-French maritime pine bark extract vision supplements helps sustain ocular pressure.


French maritime pine bark extract. 

Vitamin C may be the most famous antioxidant for eye health. The American Optometric Association recommends a vitamin-rich diet, especially vitamin C, for eye health.


Vitamin C.  

Vitamin E, the “other” antioxidant, has also been researched for its impact in vision health. Vitamin E complements vitamin C and fish oil, two eye-healthy minerals.


Vitamin E. 

Fish oil for your heart and joints may also help your eyes. Nearly 80% of Australian and New Zealand optometrists advocated omega-3 fatty acid diet for eye health, and over 60% recommended supplementation. Omega-3s are still explored for eye health.


Fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA. 

Zinc, another antioxidant, has been examined for eye health for decades because it transports vitamin A to the retina. Zinc is a wonderful mineral supplement since it improves immunological, cardiovascular, neurological, and visual health as you age.



Delphinidins are abundant in Chilean wineberries, or maqui berries. These substances help the eye's natural defenses, comfort, and tear production. They also shield healthy eyes from oxidative stress.


Maqui berry standardized extract. 

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